Millions of Internet sites can't be wrong, Studio 54 is closed for
26 years
but is still alive, Studio 54 bars, disco's and home or commercially organized party's are happening daily al over the world.
Therefore opened this shop to keep up the memory of this icon of nightlife culture and make your Studio 54 party a success. Think how other people will react if you ware a original Studio 54 shirt or cap at your Studio 54 party.
We offer you the greatest collection of books, movies and music
to guide you through a era of glitter and glamour the world never
forgets and reminds us where the real party life came from.  
Using Paypal! 
is the fast, easy and secure way to pay on the Internet! Consumers
can pay for their items with a credit card or checking account
simply by transferring funds from the PayPal web site. It is by far
the safest and most efficient way of transferring funds. Nobody but
you will have access to your credit card numbers therefore
eliminating the potential for fraud. Purchasers with unconfirmed
addresses and International customers must pay by check.
Buyers will receive the following benefits with PayPal:
We Need You!
If you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to
contact us, we are happy to serve you in the best possible way we
can, and we need your comments complains etc. to improve our
service! Have
fun shopping at! The
S54TL team |